The cast is a zine consisting mainly of my photographs.  
The English word Cast has various meanings, and here I take up the meaning of 'projecting' or ‘gaze.' Through this zine, I place the discomfort and questions about the body and intimate relationships in the natural landscape and try to decipher these contradictions and confusions.  

We constantly project our ideals and desires onto others, intentionally or not. This is a theme I am interested in at the moment.
First, I take a photograph of my own body as a motif. On top of that, I further made an image of my body and
separately projected scenes from Chantal Akerman's film Je Tu Il Elle. At this point, the photograph is not a means of recording but rather a kind of pictoriality and an image that extends into the fictional world, separating it from the real world. In this work, I question the 'intercourses' in intimate relationships, physicality, and egoism and how we take the physical sensations we have always taken for granted. 

Why nature landscapes: 
The topography, geography, and weather that circulate in nature are not only fascinating in their own right but also whisper to us the principles of the course of human relations. I have realized that the circulation and regeneration of all events in this natural world are related to the inexplicable intertwining of relationships between people. Like a damp corridor or a quietly spreading root system, our memories permeate it. So I deposit my emotions in the landscape. Emotions entwine in the wind, are swept away in the sea, meet in the mountains and grow in the soil. I have contemplated and aesthetically abstracted the natural landscape in this aspect. 

I chose wallpaper for the cover. As with watching a film at home with a projector, I usually use white walls. I think a pure white wall can encompass everything. The binding method was conceived by looking at the sticky notes. Turning the book around and spreading it out to form a wavy shape was fun.
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